Akshay Shah

Hi there! I’m Akshay, and you’ve stumbled across my oft-neglected blog. I’ve been a medical student, a public school teacher, an EMT, a fax spammer, and a programmer; these days, I’m making Protocol Buffers magically delicious at Buf. Shoot me an email and say hello, or read a bit more about me.


  1. gRPC Doesn't Need Trailers
  2. Go Time: Protobuf & gRPC
  3. Connect: A Better gRPC (on the Buf blog)
  4. Reading Notes: Sourdough
  5. Automating Gmail with AppsScript
  6. Lazy-Loading Data with SwiftUI and Combine
  7. Reading Notes: Grit
  8. Getting Started with Go
  9. A Decade of CAP
  10. Podcasts for Developers
  11. License Your Code!
  12. Testing Django Fields
  13. Soft Deletion in Django
  14. Language Use on GitHub
  15. An Audible Literacy Filter
  16. Zero to Code Monkey
  17. Building a Blog


  1. Pancakes
  2. Methi Dal
  3. Coriander and Mint Chutney
  4. Pizza
  5. Hokkaido Milk Bread
  6. Waffles
  7. Methi Murgh
  8. Chicken Kebabs
  9. Focaccia
  10. Sourdough Starter
  11. Baker's Percentages
  12. Garam Masala